Bio: Marisa Vitiello...Always a work in progress
Marisa Vitiello is an artist, designer, and educational consultant living in Portland, Oregon. As an artist, she has collaborated with Degenerate Art Ensemble to make costumes for a performance of Philip Glass’s Einstein on the Beach, commissioned by Robert Wilson. She has also been the lead artist on projects receiving grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, National Science Foundation, and Environmental Justice Network in Action (a program of Seattle Public Utilities). As an educational consultant, she has overseen multiple local and international media collaborations for the Adobe Youth Voices program. She was the Instructional Designer for Pomegranate Center’s Fellow’s Program, making it possible to teach Urban Planners and Architects how to build gathering spaces with communities. She has designed three books for the Giraffe Heroes Project, an organization that honors people who stick their necks out for common good. She has also worked as an arts administrator, directing programs that engage public school students in creating public art works. Her focus is on civic engagement, art making, and getting good stuff done.